Gogo Buzz
Gogo's real-life experiences, especially those in unexpected places inspire her writing.
She has discovered that when she mixes retirement and writing, her family smiles at the results.
Her life has been an enthusiastic mix of family first, especially ‘knee-hi’s, endurance sports, bits of education and legal stuff, green thumb stuff, and of course dogs who think they are human.
When the world was open for travel, she and Buzz would go everywhere. Sporadic blog posts on various blogs testify to these travels.
Gogo allows a tiny piece of her heart to linger in the shadow of Table Mountain, but she now calls Australia home and cherishes its embrace.
Now that she's come out as a writer, she bombards her writers’ group with short stories and poems. She is compulsive about entering flash fiction competitions.
Some of her stories have been published in Death, Despair and Other Happy Endings, and Pandemic Prose.
She’s also working, rather haphazardly, on the novel, she started at the age of eleven.
This space is for recording her writing journey.
Who knows?
There may be some flashes of brilliance.